Annual Summary for 2023

Look back on the past year.

Published on May 31, 2024 by Hongyi WANG

summary diary 2023

1 min READ

Sorry about the late arrival of my last year’s summary. The end of the pandemic really made my 2023 wonderful, as I have traveled to a lot of places and met a lot of friends.

1. MICCAI Accepted My Paper

In my previous blog, I mentioned that I am working on “rethinking the instance representations in MIL methods”. Fortunately, the reviewers of MICCAI2023 finally accepted this paper, and recently the extended journal version has also been accepted by TMI. You can go to my GitHub repo to check the code.

2. HKUST Visiting

It was quite fun to go to HKUST as an RA. I have rented a small apartment in North Point, and have hiked a lot at the weekend. I have also met my undergraduate classmate in HKUST, who has taken me to many of the mountains in HK. The cooperation with Prof. CHEN and Dr. LUO is also inspiring, as they often share insightful opinions and useful suggestions. I have also gone to Shenzhen (many times), Xiamen, Xuzhou, Zhuzhou, Changsha, and Beijing during this year to meet my friends, which feels good. However, I did not get my Canada visa in time so I did not have the chance to go to Canada for the offline MICCAI conference.

3. Spatial Transcriptomics

I have found another interesting topic to work on, which is Spatial Transcriptomics. Previously I was always thinking about involving gene information for more accurate automated diagnosis. With the help of Spatial Transcriptomics, not only the overall gene expression intensity but also their spatial distribution can be revealed, providing denser information.